Blast Consulting and Monitoring Services
Our job is to support blasters, helping them do what they do best.
Aimone-Martin Associates are experienced engineering consultants specializing in close-in construction, quarry, and mine blasting. Our expertise extends to underwater blasting, open air explosions, explosives disposals, and blasting near vibration sensitive above and below ground structures.
Aimone-Martin are leaders in the development of specialized instrumentation systems to measure off-site impacts of blasting and assist blasters with well-controlled blasts. We offer specialized consulting and applied research solutions to manage risks and mitigate off-site vibrations and overpressures, engage community members that are often affected by blasting, and promote successful project completion.
Our goal is to help blasters to do the work they need to do in an efficient and cost-effective manner. We work in close association with our partners to provide you with a team of proven experts ready to assist you with your planning and execution of blasting projects.

Blast optimization with innovative drilling and delay timing
Mitigating off-site vibrations, underwater and air overpressures
Slope stability, fragmentation, and overbreak controls
Blasting risk assessments and management
In partnership with our associates, we provide state-of-the-art instrumentation systems that are far superior than industry standards require.
We focus on ultra-close in monitoring to guide blasters for continued improvements in performance.
Since 1978, AMA has worked with manufacturers to expand blasting-type seismograph capabilities that promote accurate measurements for a variety of sensors and incorporate enhanced analytical software with research applications.
AMA develops blast plans, contract specifications and bid documents for construction of pipelines, energy infrastructure, dam modifications, demolitions, and highway projects.
Revise prescriptive blast specifications to create performance-based guidelines allowing blasters to follow industry best practices.
Devise new standards and procedures to monitor structure response.